Your investment supports Walker’s one-of-a-kind educational experience for every student, every day.


The Walker Fund is the most important annual giving opportunity at our school.  All gifts, both large and small, help provide the margin of excellence that make a Walker education unique.  Our extraordinary academic curriculum, use of the latest technology, our engaging and dynamic faculty, strong fine arts and athletics programs are all supported by gifts to The Walker Fund.



Friends of Walker up to $1,956
Leadership Society $1,957-$4,999
Maroon and Gold Club $5,000-$9,999
Waterman Club $10,000-$19,999
St. James Circle $20,000+
Club 1957 Top Lifetime Giving Donors $100,000+ Cumulative
The Joseph T. Walker Legacy Society Legacy Gift Donors



My family already pays tuition. Why is a gift to the Walker Annual Fund needed as well?

It is a reality not just at Walker but at all independent schools: Tuition alone cannot fund the entire cost of a private education. Because tuition only covers 95 percent of the school’s operating costs, philanthropic support through The Walker Fund helps make up that difference. Your tax-deductible gifts account for 5 percent of a student’s Walker experience.

What does my gift to The Walker Fund do?

Every dollar contributed to The Walker  Fund is used to provide for the outstanding faculty, programs and facilities that directly benefit your student every day.

Specifically, gifts to The Walker Fund help:

  • Ensure that faculty and staff salaries remain competitive so that we can retain outstanding teachers, coaches and staff. 
  • Provide professional development opportunities so that faculty and staff gain new knowledge and skills in their area of expertise.
  • Purchase state-of-the-art technology and new curriculum materials for use in our classrooms at all division levels.
  • Supply resources and equipment needed to sustain and enhance our high-quality academic, arts and athletic programs.
Why is my participation so important?
Not only does participation signify a high level of community commitment to the School’s mission, but it also strengthens our case when seeking support from foundations and corporations. Your gift – regardless of size – is essential to ensuring that current and future students have the opportunity to receive the exceptional educational experience that Walker has provided since 1965.
How much of a difference can my gift make, really?

The Walker School has fewer supporters than a large university or charity. But our needs are just as great, so every gift counts more. That’s why we ask every member of the Walker community – including our Board of Trustees, parents, faculty and staff, alumni, grandparents, parents of alumni, and friends – to make a yearly gift to The Walker Fund.

The culture of philanthropy at Walker – both past and present – allows your child to benefit from an engaging educational experience within an intimately scaled, caring and diverse community where opportunities abound and meaningful relationships inspire transformative learning.

How much should my family contribute?
We ask that everyone in our Walker community give at the level that is right for their family. Gifts at all levels – from the Leadership Society to the Supporter Level – are greatly valued and deeply appreciated.