Our students stand out. They thrive in an environment focused on student-centered education. The result? Active, dynamic engagement in the learning process that excites students and gives them agency.


Walker graduates are leaders who excel in a diverse and ever-changing world.


The Walker School inspires transformative learning through meaningful relationships, academic excellence and unique opportunities.
We focus on creating and nurturing relationships and fostering a deep sense of community and belonging. Walker students reflect the world around us and are prepared for a future we have yet to see. Along with our foundational strengths in academic excellence, we promote and reflect an understanding of, and appreciation for, diversity and a community that embraces inclusion.




Through Honor Codes in each division, Walker provides an environment in which our community learns to value honesty and respect others. All students and faculty are guided by the belief that honor is a way of life rather than a set of rules to follow, and the expectation is that our graduates will carry these values with them after they leave our campus.

The Walker Honor Code’s four principles are: truth, respect of property, academic honesty and defending the Honor Code. These principles require students to be truthful in their relationships with each other and faculty – and respectful of each other’s property – for the express purpose of making the school a better place.


As a senior, Ayan was Varsity Soccer Captain, FTC Robotics Team Captain, Honor Council President, National Honor Society President, Fair Oaks Partnership President, Latin Club member.

Ayan Goel

Between balancing rigorous academics and many extracurriculars, Walker has taught me to be diligent and organized with my time. I believe this is a skill I will use for the rest of my life. Walker has also empowered me to take risks and discover my passions. 

Ayan Goel, Class of 2024, Georgia Tech



I teach Upper School English. I came to Walker because the mission really spoke to me. I see Walker as an oasis because it is the only non-religiously affiliated private school in Cobb County, but also an oasis of freedom of thought. I liked the diversity I saw here. As Cobb County becomes more diverse, Walker has become a haven. You are not subject to any particular dogma here. Instead, everyone matters, and every life is infinitely important. That ethic was very powerful for me. From what I have seen, the students here listen to one another. Though they don’t always agree, they are willing to sit down and have difficult conversations about deep and relevant topics. I love being around high school students. It’s such an exhilarating time in life. They are asking deep questions, finding themselves and discovering responsibility and autonomy. Their lives are very charged with this journey of discovery, and I love being around that.